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arlieya hunny bunch
malacca, telok mas, Malaysia
theres no fun in a perfect life. so lets go enjoy to make it . : im not a 'girlygirl' errr , gedix je kan . like to look cute actually . :) do not wear heels(keperempuanan sgt) and do not wear too much makeup . bnyk2 mcm badut je nnti kan . love shopping but hate people that spending much time to buy sumthing . (ingat aku ni tunggul nak tunggu kaw?) : my LIFE is my own BUSINESS n my own SIN (kaw xtanggung pun kan? so nak lorat ap?) p/s: do not pass judgement on me unless u r PERFECT urself *wink wink*
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Thursday 28 April 2011

.::. aBOUt tHEm (: .::

*twiNkLE wiNkLE*

sometimes in life you find a special friend someone who changes ur life ,
juz by being part of it some one makes you laugh until you cant stop .
someone makes you believe that thre is good in this world ,
someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door juz waiting 4 you to open 
this is called 

understand when you say 4get it 
wait 4eva when you say juz a minute 
stay by ur said when yu say leave me alone
& listen 4 hours when ur're crying on the phone 
it's those time we go so crazy people think we're high
the time we make each other laugh till we cry
all the inside jokes and those "remember whens"
those are the reasons they col us best friends .

Friends Forever ,
Guys Whenever ! 

crEAtED by twiNkLE wiNkLE oNLy :)

Friday 8 April 2011

.::. maKE mE LAuGH .::.

*twiNkLE wiNkLE*

hurmmm , hello n holla to u guyss . . . (:
hari ni nak story sikid about FB . .
ad laa seorang minah ni kan . die ni awex kpd EX aku .
tuh x kesah laa kan .
yang buad aku gelak si girl ni blh block aku dri FB bf die .
gile x gile aku gelak ?
ahhh , sudah semestinye laaa kannn .
aku x kesah la nak block ke ap ke .
jnjy aku xkcau hidup die kan ? (:
tapi ingat !
mcam mana pun kaw block aku , aku dgn BF kaw tuh msih contact la sayangss ~ . (:
ap ? aku jahad ? aku gatal ? hello ? sorry sikid iyeeeee . .
sape cri sape ? n sape sruh x pndy jge BF kan ?
smpai BF kaw sndry ajk aku kuar g MITC mlm hri tuh .
ajak teman katenye suruh aku g pilih baju2 die . (;
salah aku lagi ke pompuan ? gatal aku ke pompuan ?
kaw pikr2 lah sendiri ye sayangss ~
One more , die elok je call aku .
kejot aku nak buad supersaver katenye .
tp time tuh aku da tido kbtulan aku pun x sehad so x dpt la gayut dgn die .
tp aku plik laaa . kenapa die xmaw gayut dgn kaw ek pompan ?
mana silapnye tuhh ? errr . . aku hnye mmpu tersenyum .
sebab . . .
kesian doh tgk pompan cam kaw kena tipu . . hahahahaha . . pompan pompan . .
tp prngai kaw pun mcam **** laaa jugak kan . biaw padan laa dgn muka kaw tuh . . weeee ~~~ :)

p/s : aku layan EX aku balek n kutok2 girl tuh bukan sbb aku jeloz tp sebab girl tuh pernah mencibai dgn aku . soO , that why laa aku rase snggup nak revenge . (: bukan salah aku bukan slah sesiape tp slh dri girl tuh sndry . laen kli jgn laa buat taik dgn aku , aku x suke aa sayangss~ sEE , kan aku da revenge slow2 , lpas ni bukan aku yg saked tp kaw . hee (: sorry ye sayangss ~ saje buad taik dgn kaw balik . dhaaa ~

crEAtED by twiNkLE wiNkLE oNLy :)

Tuesday 5 April 2011

.::. berpisah sudah .::.

*twiNkLE wiNkLE*

hurmmm . sudah berpisah . (: 
x ad ape yg nk dsdihkan . 
bukan salah aku keyhh .
kaw yg mula dulu ...
so ?
heeeee .
kaw x thn dgn aku kan ?
aku mntk la break .
da pulak kaw doakn aku hdup x selamat .
ikott kaawww lahh labuuu .
sikit pun xheran laaa .
ajal maut di tgn tuhan kan ?
bukan kat tgn kaw !
soo aku nak tkod ap ?
stiap yg hdup msty akan mati pun kann . (:
agy 1 kaw pun ske mnuduh2 aku .
mcm **** kan kaw bandingkan kepandaian kaw .
weeehhh , x heran la aku klu setakat pandai tp x reti guna otk kaw tuh !
haaaaa . 
GO TO HELL sudah laaa ye ?
malas lgi nak pikir org mcm kaw .
x ad akl rsenye kan layan karenah kaw tuhh .
sebodoh2 aku pun aku blh bfikir sblm MENUDUH saje .
sekarang siapa lebih pndai n siapa lebih bodoh ?
jwapanyeeee . . . . . 
heeee .
selamat tinggal kekasih ku . (:
tata . titi . tutu yeee . (:

p/s : aku thu die blh bce blog aku ni ? nak mrh ? nak grm ? haaa nak fuck kan aku ? buad laaa ap kaw suke . aku xheran sebab aku buleh buad lbih dri itu la sayangsss ~ (: lolz !


crEAtED by twiNkLE wiNkLE oNLy :)

Sunday 3 April 2011

.::. wHEn uR gOnE wE gOnNa miSS yOu .::.

*twiNkLE wiNkLE*

saat-saat menyedihkan . ! 3.10 p.m. diorg da kne check in . bile sharp je time diorg pun besalam salaman ! hurmmmm , sedih gile ! meleleh air mte aku ni . jgn ckp ak , whole fmly meleleh . mne x nye 1st time kod bepisah dgn si bdak kcik ni . sumpah miss gile this moment . haiiisshhh , IKHWAN , IKHWAN . . sumpah doh aku sayang kaw mcm adk sndri . kaw lawak ! sllu buat aku gelak ! kaww buat aku ketawa time aku bad mood dengan teletah n cakap kaw yang pelat tuhh . wahhhh , dulu x kire laa mne pgi msty ad kaww . tp skrng mne pgi da x ad kaww . klaw g JJ aku sllu tingat kat ball yang msok 50 sen tuhh . kaw msty mntak aku kan . sebab aku je yg rajen melayan kaww . g JJ selalu teman kaw mkan smbil tuh kaw maen playground dkt situ . bile kaw x muncul2 , aku pg cri kaww , tkot kaww kena ap2 . tp bile kaw nmpak aku kaw lri . kaw tkot aku nak amek kaww suruh kaw makan ! hurmmmm . . . sekarang g JJ x da xmkn lg da xde aku putar2 lg ball tok kawww . semua tuh da x ad . . . dulu aku tolak trolley kaw msty ad dalam tuh . errrr , sumpah rindu kat kaww laaa ! da x ad lg dgr kaw ckap yang pelat2 tuh . da x ad lgi kuar jejalan dgn kaww . da x ad lg g p.mlm dengan kawww . wahhh ~ bnyak betol bile kaw pegi aku sesorang aje . haishhh , budak2 . . kaw ni buat aku rndu sgt2 kat kaww . nnti bile kaw da blik sini msty kaw da bsaw kan ? ntah kaw igt aku lg ke x ? msty kaww malu2 nnty . dulu kaww selalu dgn aku tpi skrng da x . .  last skli , aku sgt2 miss this moment ! hari trakhir aku plok kaw , cium2 kaww . n hari trakhr aku tgk kaw riang ! selalu rindu sama kaww !

 time-time dekat perhentian SEREMBAN ! humm , dulu kaw sllu g jugak tp anta aah kaww tp ni nak hntr kaww sekali . huuummmm , x ad ap lg dah nak ckp . cuma miss you sgt2 la budak kecik .
"bucuk bau katak!"

crEAtED by twiNkLE wiNkLE oNLy :)

Friday 1 April 2011

.::. attiTUdE gIRL .::.

*twiNkLE wiNkLE*

& i'll prove u wrong .
tell me what to do .
& i'll tell u off .
say i'm not worth it & catch where i end up .
call me a BITCH & i'll show u one .
fuck me over & i'll do it to u twice as bad .
call me crazy .
but u really hve no idea . =)

the longer I live , the more i realize the impact of attitude of life .
attitude to me is more important than facts .
it is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than wht other people think or say or do.
it is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill.
it will make or break a company....a home...
the remarkable thing is, we hve a choice every dy regarding the attitude we'll embrace 4 that day.
we cnnot chnge our our past......
we cnnot chnge the fact that people will act in a certain way.
we cnnot chnge the inevitable.
the only thins we cn do is plan on the one thing we have, and that is our attitude.
I am convinced that life is 10% wht happens to me and 90% how i react to it .
and so it is with u......
we r in charge of our attitudes.

Im not a perfect girl.
my hair doesn't always stay in place & i spill thing a lot .
Im pretty clumsy & sometimes i hve a broken heart .
My friends & i sometimes fight & mybe some days nothing goes right .
but when i think about it & take a stop back i rmmber how amazing life truly is & tht mybe .
I like being unperfect .

*attitude is a little thing tht makes a big difference*

crEAtED by twiNkLE wiNkLE oNLy :)